Keep Bugs at Bay: 3 Homemade Mosquito Repellents That Work

Homemade Mosquito Repellents

Mosquitoes can turn a pleasant evening into an itchy nightmare. While commercial repellents are available, many contain chemicals like DEET that some people prefer to avoid. Luckily, several natural and homemade solutions are both effective and easy to make. This guide will explore various DIY mosquito repellents, and provide you with easy-to-follow recipes to keep those pesky bugs at bay.

Benefits of Natural Mosquito Repellents

Natural mosquito repellents offer several benefits:

  • Safety: Free from harmful chemicals, making them safer for children and pets.
  • Eco-Friendly: Less impact on the environment compared to chemical sprays.
  • Cost-Effective: Made from readily available ingredients, reducing costs.

DIY Homemade Mosquito Repellent Recipes

Recipe 1: Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Spray


  • 10 drops of lemon eucalyptus oil
  • 2 tablespoons of witch hazel
  • 2 tablespoons of distilled water
  • A small spray bottle


  1. Combine the lemon eucalyptus oil, witch hazel, and distilled water in the spray bottle.
  2. Shake well to mix.
  3. Spray on exposed skin before heading outdoors. Reapply as needed.

Recipe 2: Lavender and Vanilla Repellent


  • 15 drops of lavender oil
  • 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of lemon juice
  • A small spray bottle


  1. Mix lavender oil, vanilla extract, and lemon juice in the spray bottle.
  2. Shake thoroughly before each use.
  3. Spray on skin and clothing for effective mosquito protection.

Recipe 3: Tea Tree and Peppermint Oil Blend


  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of peppermint oil
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil


  1. Blend the tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and coconut oil in a bowl.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a small container.
  3. Apply to skin as a lotion, focusing on exposed areas.

Enhancing Your Mosquito Defense: Traditional Homemade Methods

Before the advent of commercial repellents, people relied on natural solutions to keep mosquitoes away. These old-fashioned methods are still effective today:

1. Citronella Candles

Citronella oil, derived from lemongrass, has been used for centuries to repel mosquitoes. Burning citronella candles in outdoor areas can significantly reduce mosquito activity, creating a more pleasant environment. For a convenient option, you can purchase citronella candles on Amazon.

2. Vinegar and Herbs

A mixture of apple cider vinegar and herbs like rosemary, sage, and mint can create an effective repellent. Soak the herbs in vinegar for a few weeks, strain, and use the infused vinegar as a spray.

3. Garlic

Consuming garlic can make your sweat less attractive to mosquitoes. Additionally, placing crushed garlic near outdoor seating areas can help repel mosquitoes.

Creating your own mosquito repellent is a practical, safe, and eco-friendly alternative to commercial products. Essential oils like lemon eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, and peppermint offer effective protection against mosquitoes. Whether you prefer a spray or a lotion, these DIY recipes are simple to make and use. Additionally, old-fashioned methods like citronella candles and garlic can complement your mosquito defense strategy. For more natural insect repellent ideas, check out our articles on 7 Essential Oils That Act as Natural Insect Repellents and Grandma’s Mosquito Repellent Secrets for a Pest-Free Summer. Embrace these natural solutions to enjoy your outdoor activities without the nuisance of mosquito bites.